Eleanor is one


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Dear Eleanor:

You are 1yr old. I can’t even believe that.

Remember a year ago when you were born? Yeah. That was intense and amazing.

You crack me up everyday. Your little crinkle nose is too cute. Your big little teeth are adorable.

I am so glad that you finally say “Momma”. Saying ‘Da-da’ was cute and all at first but I birthed you and nurse you every night and ya know what. I just think you should be saying Momma.

You are finally sleeping through the night as of a few weeks ago and I am beyond glad about that.

You just started eating bananas and you LOVE sweet potato, kombucha and sauerkraut. My little fermented baby.

You are such a little sas-a-frass and I love watching your little personality. You are definitely your daddy’s daughter.

Bailey loves you SO much and I love watching your relationship. You have the best big sister there is, besides myself, and you are so lucky to have her. Learn from her.

My prayer is that you would love the Lord from a very young age and that you would use your gifts to honour the Lord and know how  much He loves and desires you.

We love you little meatball!!

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